Thursday, February 20, 2020

EEO Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EEO Law - Essay Example However, testimony illustrated that other employees had huge bonuses within the recession that were even greater than the entire salary of Wilson. Employment policies or practices that are applicable to everyone irrespective of sex are illegal if they have negative impacts on other employees of a given sex. Autozone violated the EEO law prohibiting employment discrimination based on disability. Individuals are entitled to basic rights and freedoms in terms of selection and fair treatment during employment exercises. The United States government works on the policy in providing equal opportunities through the federal employment of all persons. The other goal is to prohibit discrimination across employment exercises based on religion, race, sex, color, handicap, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or parental status (Gutman,   Koppes  and Vodanovich 123). The policy promotes broader realization of various equal employment opportunities based on continuing affirmative programs of executive agencies and departments. The equal opportunity policy applies to all departments and is of the integral components of personnel practice and policy aspects. Subsequent inclusions are the advancement, development, treatment, and employment of people with disability in federal government opport unities as permitted by

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication Essay - 11

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication - Essay Example ords namely â€Å"DANGER† and â€Å"WARNING.† â€Å"DANGER† identifies chemicals that present a greater and immediate hazard to the worker whereas â€Å"WARNING† a chemical that represents a lesser degree of hazard. There can be only one signal word on the label. For multiple hazards, only the more severe signal word will appear on the label (Sullivan, 2009). In the case of acute toxicity, oral chemicals that are lethal or toxic when ingested require the â€Å"DANGER† signal word appear on their label of the container. On the other hand, those chemicals that are not harmful if ingested get the signal word â€Å"WARNING†. In addition, in the case of eye and skin irritation or corrosion, those chemicals that are classified as corrosive to the eye or skin are indicated â€Å"DANGER† on them. Whereas the same materials that only irritate the skin or the eye are marked â€Å"WARNING. â€Å" (Ta, Mokhtar, Mohd Mokhtar, Ismail, & Abu Yazid, 2010) Hazard statements also correlate with signal words. Standardized hazard statements, such as â€Å"Extremely Flammable Liquid† or â€Å"Fatal if swallowed† appear on labels that have the â€Å"DANGER† signal word. On the other hand, the labels bearing the â€Å"WARNING â€Å" word tend to have less alarming hazard statements such as â€Å"combustible liquid† or â€Å"Harmful if Swallowed†. This reflects some of the many applications of the two words used as signal words (Dalvie, Rother, & London, 2014). Dalvie, M. A., Rother, H. A., & London, L. (2014). Chemical hazard communication comprehensibility in South Africa: Safety implications for the adoption of the globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals. Safety Science, 61, 51–58. Ta, G. C., Mokhtar, M. Bin, Mohd Mokhtar, H. A. Bin, Ismail, A. Bin, & Abu Yazid, M. F. B. H. (2010). Analysis of the comprehensibility of chemical hazard communication tools at the industrial workplace. Industrial Health, 48,